Brácha po pár pokusech drží hranu Pumy, skok do lišty, udržet vývlav a je hotovo. Mrkneme na Jiskru a jedeme domů. Po delší době to byl parádní a úspěšný výjezd, lezení v námi milovaných stropech, tento styl nám sedí nejvíc :) Vánoční desetidenní pauza, cukroví a všemožné další dobroty mně určitě prospěly, tělo si dobře odpočinulo. Tak teď nepolevit a makat v tréninku dále...
Závěr boulderu Plynová Komora 8A+/8B
Finally the weather at weekend is good, so we're really enthusiastic about our upcoming trip to Židárna. My brother is planning to link the Babočka and Puma boulders and I want to try some longer versions of Holokaust. It's quite cold but the sky is blue. After the warm-up I try the hard move with a toe in the final section of Babočka and it takes about half an hour to figure it out. Then I start about three different versions of the link and finish all of them at the first or second attempt - what a day! The hardest of them is Plynová Komora 8A+/8B - it starts with Puma and then follows to the left to Holokaust and the tough final part of Babočka Admirál – I was a bit lucky there.
After few attempts Martin gets to the edge of Puma, then jumps to the ledge and he's got it. We then check Jiskra and go home. After a long time this was an amazing and successful trip, with climbing our beloved ceilings, this style suits us the best :) The ten-day break at Christmas and a bit of candy and all other kinds of goodies certainly helped a lot and my body had time to recover. So now let's start working and training hard again!