1. 7A+ SD
2. Projekt cca 8A
3. Projekt cca 7C+
Naproti oba projekty jsou trošku sušší, ale stejně to nejde moc lézt, večer přespím u hřbitova a ráno přejedu na Bor, kde si dám dvě novinky Hip a Hip Hop oba 7A+/7B a začíná pršet, jdu omrknout projekty a hrozně se mi líbí převislý kýl nedaleko, dělám asi 3h dopad, začíná pršet víc a víc a já jsem docela promočenej tak raději volím ústup směr Choceň.
On Saturday me and Peťulka go to a secret area. There are really cool boulders but only a few. I choose a nice edge from the sitting position, it might be up to 7C+ but unfortunately it is moist and my elbows hurt after the competition in Ústí nad Labem so I can’t make it. On Sunday evening I come back and at least do the opposite 7A+; the most difficult part is the lift from the ground, afterwards it's all right.
Both projects on the opposite side are a bit drier but climbing is impossible. I spend the night near the cemetery and in the morning I move on to Bor where I climb two new boulders, Hip and Hip Hop, both 7A+/7B. It starts raining, I have a look at the projects and I really like an overhanging keel. For 3 hours, I am working on landing but the rain is getting worse and worse and I am getting pretty wet so I decide to go back to Choceň.
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