Riders on the Storm
Chci zkusit ještě něco těžšího, pouštím se do Il Thrill, ale to je fakt moc těžké, snad někdy v budoucnu. Proto se zakousnu do Steppenwolfa, kterého lezu dva dny. Nejtěžší mi přijde první krok, který je ze spoďáku hodně silový, pak následují campusové kroky a těžký skok do obliny, ještě tam jednou spadnu. Druhý den se mi Vlka daří dát posledním pokusem, radost a úleva je veliká.
Během výletu se podíváme na zajímavá místa a pěkné výlety, chtěli bychom tady zůstat ještě o týden déle, ale v sobotu musíme vyrazit směr domov...
Peťa and me seized the opportunity and went to Magic Wood for a week, thanks to the state holiday. We have a nice accomodation which really helps us to regenerate. During the week the weather was great, except for two rainy days. Gradually I get to the proper climbing shape and by the end of the trip I have some very nice climbing achievements. For me the best of these is Riders on the Storm, a beautiful line with a morpho reach at the beginning and subsequent power side pull with a hard heel.
I want to try something difficult, so I go for Il Thrill, but it's too hard for me, maybe sometimes in future. So I move to Steppenwolf instead, and it takes two days to climb it. The first move is the hardest: a power undercling followed by some campus moves and a jump, during which I fall once. The next day I climb the Wolf at the very last attempt, my joy and relief are enormous.
During the trip we also visit some nice places, if we didn't have to set off for home on Saturday we would love to stay at least one more week.