Nejdřív s Magnusem marně zkoušíme Merkina, nedrží to a dírka je teda špatná. Po chvilce zkoušíme Programixe, Magnus po krocích dává na první, mně to ještě nějaký čas trvá, než stojím nahoře. Je to fantastická kompresní lajna.

Lezu kolem krásné sedmičky a jelikož máme hodně matic jdeme na zabijáckou hranu vedle Djembe. Je to nádherná, krásná oblá hrana s těžkýma nohama. Bohužel je celkem teplo a párkrát spadnu z vrchu. Podaří se mi to oprat na vedlejší skálu a druhý den paty celkem bolí, Magnus po pár pokusech dává, pěkný výkon. Ještě zkusíme krásnou kompresní linku na kameni Fontáč, ale v tomto počasí je to nad naše síly.
Originally Peťa and me planned to spend the whole weekend at Bor but the weather stands in our way. Saturday is quite hot but the forecast says whole Sunday is going to be rainy (in the end it started raining in the evening). So we decide to be soft and go just for Saturday. Peťa tries her projects, some of them go well, others not so much. She has a success with Kapka Zlatá and Čert Na Koze Jel. It's a nice low boulder in a slight overhang.
Magnus and me first try Merkin but we can't hold it properly. After a while we move to Programix, and after trying the moves Magnus finishes at the first attempt, while I need more time before I'm up. An amazing compression line it is.
I climb some sevens and as we have many pads, we move to the killer line next to Djembe. It's a beautiful round line with difficult feet. Unfortunately it's quite hot and I fall from top several times. I hit the neighbouring rock and the next day my heels hurt a lot, Magnus finishes after few attempts, though - nice job. We try one more compression line on the Fontáč rock but in this weather it's more than we can handle.
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