Velmi těžký start přes spoďáček na tři prsty, levačka je tam jen tak na okrasu, nohy taky velmi těžké a levou kříž do malé lišty, komplikovaný přesun nohou, krok do přídrže, pravou dál do bekendu a velký problém se udržet, levá lišta přestává fungovat, vyměnit nohy ve fixu a přiskočit levou hranu, pak už je to do topu lehké.
Konečně po dlouhé době pěkný přelez, byl to docela psycho boj, bez štěstí bych to nedal. Ke klase těžko říct, ale přišlo mi to těžší než 8B, navíc se po tréninkových dávkách na VUT cítím výborně, ale třeba je to jinak, však víme, jak to s klasou bývá... Mám velkou radost z kvalitních tréninků na čistou hrubou sílu, pořád mi to dává nejvíce...
After several days I finally succesfully finished a short intense climb at Rasovna at Holštejn. In summer my brother climbed the Janja boulder and I was soon very close, too, but unfortunately I broke off the undercling and the ledge. Luckily something was still left there so after a 4-day practice, when the ledge was finally dry, I finally finished the boulder.
The initial part is very hard: there is a three-finger undercling, one cannot use the left hand and the feet are pretty tricky, too. You need to do a cross move to a small ledge, move your feet and hold. It's pretty hard to hold on in there, the left ledge doesn't work, then there is the leg switch and a jump to the left edge and finally the top, which is quite easy. After long time I finally scored a nice climb, but it was struggle and I needed a bit of luck, too. Hard to say what the grade is, I guess it was more than 8B, also I feel strong after the trainings at the University of Technology, but who knows... we all know what the grades are like... I'm very happy about the quality power training, I think this is the most useful stuff for me...
The initial part is very hard: there is a three-finger undercling, one cannot use the left hand and the feet are pretty tricky, too. You need to do a cross move to a small ledge, move your feet and hold. It's pretty hard to hold on in there, the left ledge doesn't work, then there is the leg switch and a jump to the left edge and finally the top, which is quite easy. After long time I finally scored a nice climb, but it was struggle and I needed a bit of luck, too. Hard to say what the grade is, I guess it was more than 8B, also I feel strong after the trainings at the University of Technology, but who knows... we all know what the grades are like... I'm very happy about the quality power training, I think this is the most useful stuff for me...
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