V neděli mi příjde, že podmínka už není taková, ale přesto jdem dozadu na Ocelovou Patu od Adama, krásná linie, moc mi to ze stoje nejde, ale jak to udělám, daří se mi skoro hned přidat i nižší variantu. Mám zálusk na Kytky, které jsou hned vedle, ale bohužel, někdo urval chyt, tak na to peču, ještě se mi daří utrápit Inverzi a jedem domů, tak snad o víkendu, další útok na Mučící Nástroje.
At the weekend me and Peťa went to Bahratal, my goal was clear, an attack on Instrumente der Folter. We arrived on Saturday after the lunch, so I just had a warm up and went for it. I felt strength and good conditions, so I staked everything on a single card and keep trying for about three hours. However, the boulder resisted. We also have a bob sledge with us and there is enough snow in Tisá so we also spend time in a different way than climbing.
It seems to me on Sunday that the conditions are not that good anymore but despite that I am up for Ocelová Pata by Adam, a nice line, I don't do very well from a stand start and I manage to add a low start variant. I am also set on Kytky next to it but unfortunately someone has broken off the hold, so I give up. I also struggle through Inverze and we go home. So hopefully at the weekend another attack on the Torturing Instruments.
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