Letos jsme byli poprve na Boru a zase jsem si potvrdil, jak těžký jsou tady věci v sedmém stupni, odpytlil jsem pár věci mezi 7A+ až 7B+, z kterých jsem měl opravdovou radost! Peťa lezla v neděli, krásně vylezla Piňa Coladu a Zipa, těšíme se na další návštěvu.
At the weekend, me and Peťa went to Bor for the first time. On Saturday it was quite moist but fortunately the boulders dry off quite fast. My plan is clear, to climb Dr. Dolittle. I found it quite hard, it was interesting that I was trying it for about an hour, then gave up, went to climb something else and came back after a few hours, rotated my heel a bit differently in the key step and made it through.
This was the first visit to Bor this year and I only confirmed how difficult 7's are here. I sent some boulders between 7A+ and 7B+ I was very happy about! We look forward to the next visit!
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