Nejdříve jsme se nabažili neskutečnou přednáškou o Silence a Adamově tréninku. Desetiboj proběhl na černočervených lištách za osvětlení, zajímavá novinka. Milou návštěvou bylo komentování legendy českého lezení Rosti Tomance, který komentoval finálový závod, a spolu s Adamem podávali divákům velmi zajímavé informace. Závod probíhal s pár odpočinky mezi cviky, to jsem velmi uvítal, protože jsem se hned nezastavil jako při minulých desetibojích a bylo více času na odpočinek.
Nejtěžší cvik je pro mě rotační Bachar a nějak moc dnes nedržely ani stisky. Největší radost mi udělal panelák, překonal jsem původní rekord, ale brácha ho ještě asi o dvě vteřiny vylepšil. Celkově jsem měl 9392 bodů a za svým osobákem jsem zaostal o 39bodů, což považuji za dobrý start do sezóny. Vyhrál brácha v suverénně nejlepším výkonu, překonal Adamův rekord o 1400 bodů, celkově měl tedy něco přes 11400 bodů. Cením si Adama, že desetiboj šel z plného tréninku a nějak zvlášť na to neodpočíval a netrénoval, smekám před ním. Odpočatější by mě jistě přejel, dnes těsně uhájil třetí příčku. Díky všem pořadatelům - Saše, Vencovi a Pepemu, díky moc a v Brně se budu těšit :)
I was looking forward to the Ostrava decathlon very much, I like it and I
feel good there, the people are nice and the audience and vibe are ones
of the best I know.
First of all we had an incredible lecture about the Silence boulder and Adam's training. There was also a big surprise - the visit of the legendary Czech climber Rosťa Tomanec, who was in charge of giving commentary together with Adam. There were several breaks between the individual disciplines and I really appreciated this. I wasn't done immediately like in the preceding years and also I had more time to rest.
The biggest challenge for me was the rotary Bachar ladder and I wasn't doing very well with the grips, either. On the contrary, I was pretty good in "panelák" and I broke the record. However, my brother was even 2 seconds better so he broke mine. In total I gained 9392 points (39 points less than my personal record, which I consider a good start of the season). My brother won and he had 1400 points more than Adam, so he broke Adam's record. In total he had more than 11 400 points. I admire Adam for going through the decathlon while being on the full training routine, not having any rest or special training for the competition. I think he would definitely get ahead of me if he had had more rest, this way he ended third. Thanks to all the organizers - Saša, Venca and Pepe. Thanks a lot and see you all in Brno. I'll be looking forward to it! :)
First of all we had an incredible lecture about the Silence boulder and Adam's training. There was also a big surprise - the visit of the legendary Czech climber Rosťa Tomanec, who was in charge of giving commentary together with Adam. There were several breaks between the individual disciplines and I really appreciated this. I wasn't done immediately like in the preceding years and also I had more time to rest.
The biggest challenge for me was the rotary Bachar ladder and I wasn't doing very well with the grips, either. On the contrary, I was pretty good in "panelák" and I broke the record. However, my brother was even 2 seconds better so he broke mine. In total I gained 9392 points (39 points less than my personal record, which I consider a good start of the season). My brother won and he had 1400 points more than Adam, so he broke Adam's record. In total he had more than 11 400 points. I admire Adam for going through the decathlon while being on the full training routine, not having any rest or special training for the competition. I think he would definitely get ahead of me if he had had more rest, this way he ended third. Thanks to all the organizers - Saša, Venca and Pepe. Thanks a lot and see you all in Brno. I'll be looking forward to it! :)
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