V pátek ráno doráží kameraman Peťan s Barčou a dochází za námi na Malý střecháč. Já už mám od předchozího dne rozlezený Rajec 7B, a tak ho skoro hned dávám, v tomto problému je nejhorší, že je tak zelený, jinak by to mohlo být ještě možná malinko lehčí? Martin jde točit Monster Of Pop 7C. Po vylezení jde na krásnou hranu Master Of Rock, původně 7C, ale podle něho klidně 8A... Já lezu na video U Rampu 7A těžší.
This time Štěpán's main goal is Duch Bez Tváře, a hard 7C+ at Bor. He starts very early in the morning in order to get the best possible friction. It doesn't go very good but Štěpán doesn' t give up. After a moment of rest and meeting Martin, who came later, Štěpán shots another attempt. He focuses on placing fingers in the right places and finally he succeeds, which makes him hilarious as this is the most difficult 7C+ he ever climbed at Bor. In his opiniom it's rather 7C+/8A.
Martin tries some projects but finishes only Doktor House from sitting, probably 7C. Štěpán climbs the older version from standing, 7B. Then he moves to Hlava XXII 7B (+) on Vězení but continually fails at one of the last steps.
In the afternoon they stop at Ostaš. Martin doesn't know the area so he climbs nearly everything theret. In the evening they climb at Radiátor, where Štěpán does Mistr Kříže 7B+ and Těžký Zadek 7A at the first attempt both. They also check a 7C by Petr Resch and do it successfully.
On Friday they meet Peťan and Barča with camcorder. Štěpán finishes Rajec 7B, which he began to climb the previous day and Martin goes to make a video of his climbing Monster Of Pop 7C. Then he moves to the edge called Master Of Rock, originally 7C, but Martin thinks it's 8A... Štěpán climbs U Rampa 7A. After that the session ends and Štěpán moves to Bor to meet Honza Adamec.
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