Video Z Babočky Admirál 7C na:
At first Štěpán planned to go to Zillertal with Martin but the weather changed the plan, so they went to Loučovice instead. On Sunday they meet Mázl family, too. On Monday Štěpán successfully finishes Ručičky 7C SD, after a long struggle, then he does many boulders up to 7A. Martin climbs PIN Kód 7C/7C+. When climbing Dřevorubec 7C Martin plucks the crucial hold, so Štěpán keeps it as a lucky charm but gives this route up.
On Thursday they go to Jiskra and Židova strouha, where Štěpán tries a 7B+ based on jump. Martin gets to the top of it but plucks something again, so he has to climb further and the result is 7C according to Martin's suggestion. Then they move to Židárna and choose to climb Babočka Admirál 7C, which they like a lot. After several attempts they climb it. After that Štěpán focuses on Tajemství Iluze which he thinks more difficult than 7A so he suggests a grade of 7A+.
At five they set up for home.
A video of Babočka Admirál 7C:
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