Z boulderů si nejvíce vážím Fuse 8B+ v Kremstalu. Na druhou příčku bych dal Phew York v Maloměřicích, který mi trval 8 dní, společně s Radiomanem. Do třetice se mi podařilo po 5 dnech přelézt v Krasu Nápoj Lásky SD. Moje nejtěžší FA Intensito stejný počet lezeckých dní.
Konaly se tři Desetiboje, v Brně jsem si udělal osobák 10696b.
Přeji krásné Vánoce a svátky.
This year I became a part of the representation team of 5 men. I was third at the first two Czech Cup competitions. Also I was at the World Cup at Meiringen and Moscow, where I wasn't much successful. At the beginning of June I flew to the World Cup in Vail with my brother and I earned the 69th place there. At the end of the summer holidays the World Cup in Munchen took place and I was 95th. At the World Championship in Innsbruck I ended closely in the second half of the competitors – this was my greatest international achievement. In Teplice nad Metují I was 3rd and in Slaný I ended 6th. At the Czech Championship in Lanškroun I earned the 3rd place, which was a bad luck for me, considering the course of the final. I hope I'll be luckier again when it comes to the competitions.
From the boulders I climbed my biggest achievement of this year is Fuse 8B+ in Kremstal, followed by Phew York in Maloměřice, which took 8 days to climb, and also the Radioman. Last but not least I managed to climb Nápoj Lásky SD in Kras, in 5 days. My hardest FA Intensito had the same number of climbing days.
There were also three decathlons, in Brno I made a new personal record of 10696 points.
I wish you all Merry Christmas and happy holiday.
From the boulders I climbed my biggest achievement of this year is Fuse 8B+ in Kremstal, followed by Phew York in Maloměřice, which took 8 days to climb, and also the Radioman. Last but not least I managed to climb Nápoj Lásky SD in Kras, in 5 days. My hardest FA Intensito had the same number of climbing days.
There were also three decathlons, in Brno I made a new personal record of 10696 points.
I wish you all Merry Christmas and happy holiday.
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